Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Updated September 15, 2020
This page has been automatically translated from English. MSDH has not reviewed this translation and is not responsible for any inaccuracies.

The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Mississippi State Department of Health continue to closely monitor the outbreak of respiratory illnesses caused by the novel (new) coronavirus COVID-19, and are working to limit the spread of cases nationally and in Mississippi. MSDH is actively working with doctors and hospitals to quickly identify cases and respond effectively to limit this outbreak.

Home isolation is mandatory if you have tested positive for COVID-19 by order of the State Health Officer. If you have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, quarantine is also important to protect others.

If you are awaiting results of routine testing not related to exposure, you may return to work and follow the safety guidance of your employer.


Mississippi Coronavirus Hotline (7 days a week, 7 a.m.–7 p.m.): 877-978-6453

Watch this live video discussion with Dr. Thomas Dobbs about recent COVID-19 questions from the public today at 1:00.

Report a restaurant not following COVID-19 safety orders: E-mail the details to food@msdh.ms.gov

Face coverings are required by order of the Governor for all Mississippians in schools, businesses and indoor public spaces, and in outdoor public spaces where consistent social distancing is not possible. Details and exceptions »

General Information

COVID-19 in Mississippi

New Cases and Deaths as of September 14

New Cases


New COVID-19 positive test results reported to MSDH as of 6 p.m. yesterday.

New Deaths


New COVID-19 related deaths reported to MSDH as of 6 p.m. yesterday.

County Total
Bolivar 2
Covington 1
Grenada 1
Harrison 2
Hinds 1
Holmes 1
Jefferson Davis 1
Jones 1
Lauderdale 3
Leake 2
Lee 1
Marion 1
Montgomery 1
Oktibbeha 1
Perry 1
Pontotoc 1
Rankin 1
Scott 1
Smith 1
Walthall 1
Yalobusha 1
Yazoo 2
LTC Outbreaks


Current outbreaks in long-term care facilities only. (See LTC facility outbreak definition.)


About our case counts: We currently update our case totals each day based on test results from the previous day. Outside laboratories also report positive test results to us, which are included in our totals. Repeated tests for the same individual are counted only once. County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information.

County COVID-19 Data

Race and Ethnicity

Trends and Data for Individual Counties

High Cases and Incidence

Cumulative Cases and Deaths by County

Totals of all reported COVID-19 cases for 2020, including those in long-term care (LTC) facilities.

The numbers in this table are provisional. County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information. The data provided below is the most current available.

County Total Cases Total Deaths Total LTC Facility Cases Total LTC Facility Deaths
Adams 877 32 47 12
Alcorn 736 9 18 2
Amite 293 10 14 2
Attala 624 25 90 20
Benton 208 1 2 0
Bolivar 1727 62 179 23
Calhoun 502 12 25 4
Carroll 304 12 45 9
Chickasaw 626 24 43 13
Choctaw 176 5 3 0
Claiborne 447 16 43 9
Clarke 518 37 57 15
Clay 553 16 14 1
Coahoma 1079 24 79 2
Copiah 1139 33 46 4
Covington 783 20 23 5
De Soto 5224 53 63 13
Forrest 2284 68 170 40
Franklin 182 3 3 1
George 737 13 27 6
Greene 328 16 36 6
Grenada 1021 34 105 20
Hancock 542 20 9 4
Harrison 3632 71 236 29
Hinds 6846 152 395 62
Holmes 1075 58 100 20
Humphreys 365 15 21 6
Issaquena 102 3   0
Itawamba 712 20 77 16
Jackson 3301 66 75 7
Jasper 530 13 1 0
Jefferson 233 9 12 3
Jefferson Davis 317 11 3 1
Jones 2315 77 180 37
Kemper 284 15 39 9
Lafayette 1975 39 122 28
Lamar 1540 33 27 11
Lauderdale 1965 122 254 71
Lawrence 421 12 26 2
Leake 928 35 17 2
Lee 2489 65 153 30
Leflore 1326 79 189 45
Lincoln 1026 52 142 32
Lowndes 1374 56 96 32
Madison 3146 85 238 45
Marion 824 31 73 9
Marshall 1052 14 31 6
Monroe 1151 65 162 50
Montgomery 438 20 47 9
Neshoba 1505 102 111 37
Newton 736 22 34 7
Noxubee 539 15 19 4
Oktibbeha 1708 48 191 31
Panola 1379 26 13 2
Pearl River 828 49 71 20
Perry 377 16 12 2
Pike 1192 48 80 21
Pontotoc 1176 16 7 1
Prentiss 755 17 48 3
Quitman 356 5   0
Rankin 3094 73 153 18
Scott 1147 25 17 3
Sharkey 258 11 43 8
Simpson 997 40 104 18
Smith 511 14 54 8
Stone 344 11 50 7
Sunflower 1357 42 67 11
Tallahatchie 710 16 29 2
Tate 918 36 32 12
Tippah 613 16 5 0
Tishomingo 631 34 96 24
Tunica 465 13 12 2
Union 957 23 46 11
Walthall 581 25 67 13
Warren 1360 48 113 23
Washington 2128 71 110 23
Wayne 864 21 59 10
Webster 324 13 52 11
Wilkinson 296 17 20 5
Winston 718 19 40 11
Yalobusha 406 14 35 7
Yazoo 1016 25 46 7
Total 90,523 2,734 5,693 1,135

Case Classifications

Mississippi investigates and reports both probable and confirmed cases and deaths according to the CSTE case definition.

  Confirmed Probable Total
Cases 84,912 5,611 90,523
Deaths 2,543 191 2,734

Confirmed cases and deaths are generally determined by positive PCR tests, which detect the presence of ongoing coronavirus infection.

Probable cases are those who test positive by other testing methods such as antibody or antigen, and have recent symptoms consistent with COVID-19, indicating a recent infection.

Probable deaths are those individuals with a designation of COVID-19 as a cause of death on the death certificate, but where no confirmatory testing was performed.

Deaths from COVID-19 and Other Causes

This table of death counts compares COVID-19 deaths in Mississippi by week with deaths from other major causes, including contributing and underlying causes.

K-12 School Report by County

Mississippi K-12 schools make weekly reports of cases among students, teachers and staff, number of outbreaks, and teachers and students under quarantine as a result of COVID-19 exposure. These reports are then summarized by county. Note: An outbreak in a school setting is defined as 3 or more individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the same group within a 14-day period.

These cases have been directly reported to MSDH by each school, and may not yet have appeared in our state and county totals of cases reported by laboratories.

Long-Term Care Facility Cases and Outbreaks

Long-term care (LTC) facilities like nursing homes are considered high risk locations because their residents are older or in poor health. A single confirmed COVID-19 infection in an LTC facility resident, or more than one infection in employees or staff in a 14-day period constitutes an outbreak. Residential care facilities also represent group living facilities where COVID-19 can be easily spread. We investigate residents, staff and close contacts of infected individuals for possible exposure.

These outbreak figures are reported directly to MSDH by the facility. Many of the cases and deaths reported by facilities may not yet be included in our totals of lab-reported cases.

Ongoing Outbreaks

This weekly table of ongoing outbreaks lists all facilities that have reported a current, active outbreak of COVID-19. The reported totals are for cases and deaths associated with the current outbreak only.

Note: The cases and deaths in this document have been reported to us directly by the facilities, and may not have appeared yet in our county totals, which are based on reports from testing laboratories.

Mississippi COVID-19 Data Charts and Map

All data reports below are updated as they become available.

Hospitalizations and Bed Availability

Daily Statewide Data Charts

Our state case map and other data charts are also available in interactive form.

The charts below are based on available data at the time of publication. Charts do not include cases where insufficient details of the case are known.

Note: Values up to two weeks in the past on the chart of Cases by Date above can change as we update it with new information from disease investigation.

Weekly Statewide Data Summaries

The statistical charts below are now updated weekly.

Weekly Pediatric MIS-C Cases and Deaths

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare but serious condition associated with COVID-19 that causes inflammation in many body parts, including the heart and other vital organs.

Weekly High Case and High Incidence Counties

Tracking counties with recent high numbers of COVID-19 cases, adjusted for population, provides insight on where local outbreaks are most serious, and where protective measures should be increased. For more accurate reporting, these weekly charts include sample collection dates only up to seven days in the past to allow for case investigation and delays in lab test reports.

Cases counts in these charts is based on the date of illness onset. If the date of illness is not known, the date the test sample was taken, or the date of test result reporting is used instead. Counts are adjusted as cases are investigated.

Counties are ranked by highest weekly case counts, and by weekly incidence (cases proportional to population). A separate table ranking all counties is also available. All tables updated weekly.

Syndromic Surveillance

Emergency department visits by those with symptoms characteristic of COVID-19, influenza and pneumonia, updated weekly.

Estimated Recoveries

Presumed COVID-19 cases recovered, estimated weekly (does not include cases still under investigation).

U.S. and World Cases

COVID-19 Testing

Statewide Combined Testing as of September 13

COVID-19 testing providers around the state include commercial laboratories as well as hospital labs. Combined with testing done by the MSDH Public Health Laboratory, the figures provide a complete picture of all Mississippi testing.

PCR testing detects current, active COVID-19 infection in an individual.

Antibody (serology) testing identifies individuals with past COVID-19 infection based on antibodies they develop one to three weeks after infection.

Antigen testing is another way to identify current COVID-19 infection.

  Total tests PCR Antibody Antigen
MSDH Public Health Laboratory 105,702 104,462 1,240 0
Other testing providers 582,144 515,883 27,612 38,649
Total tests for COVID-19 statewide 687,846 620,345 28,852 38,649

MSDH Individuals Tested as of September 14

MSDH Public Health Laboratory (MPHL) testing totals as of 3 p.m. These totals are for tests performed at the MPHL only.

  • Total individuals tested by the MPHL: 78,700
  • Total positive individuals from MPHL tests: 8,574

Getting Tested for COVID-19

The MSDH Public Health Laboratory, its partners, and private providers are testing statewide for COVID-19.

Anyone with symptoms of fever, severe cough or severe chest pains – especially those who are older or in poor health – should make arrangements for testing with their doctor or one of the many healthcare providers now performing testing. Healthcare providers can assess your health history and symptoms, and perform testing for COVID-19 as needed. MSDH is also helping conduct free drive-up testing sites in many parts of the state. Always call ahead to the testing provider for instructions on safely being examined before you visit for your test.


Prevention and Guidance for Individuals and the Community

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Last reviewed on Mar 5, 2020

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